Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easy Like Sunday Morning (I wonder how many blogs are titled that?)

Yesterday, I got nice and toasty and wrote a blog. I thought it was a rather entertaining one (probably because I was drunk and I always think I'm uber witty whilst plowed). Unfortunately, in my altered state I accidentally deleted it. I'm not sure how I did this but it was just a few magical keystrokes and *poof* it was gone. It was rather upsetting and it drove me to So now, I hit the save button every few minutes because I wouldn't want the world to be deprived of more nonsense.

So far, today has been a good day (Didn't even have to use my Ak...). Sunday is my day to sleep in and it was awesome. The extra sleep makes it all worth it and helps keep me from going postal (All work and no play makes James a dull boy). When I woke up, the wife and the boy went to the grocery store and my daughter took a nap. I had some time to myself which is always nice so I wrote while listening to music and all was right in the world. Well, not much to report and not feeling particularly witty today so I will end it here.

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