I have to admit I am a little afraid of MMA. Amateur boxing has a very small chance of injury compared to MMA as there are alot more body parts involved (namely legs, knees) and you are having your joints manipulated alot more(Let's see what happens when we do this). Makes me nervous and is the only reason I am balking about fighting so soon. I should just nut up and do it but my tester one has gotten me into so much trouble in the past (Hey, let's jump out of this perfectly good airplane or Hey, I'll go to Afghanistan! Sounds like fun!).
On a different note, today we were very productive (I had to take some of my ADD meds to do it). We blew out all the leaves and other crap from the flower beds and rocks, changed the light bulbs outside, got lawn chairs, and raked up the yard. It looks a million times better. We also got to see a glimpse of how screwed up our children are going to be.
My son was rolling his Lightning McQueen up and down the wall when he dropped it and yelled loudly, "Shit!" The wife and I looked at each other and tried not to crack up. I then had to put on my father hat and lecture him about not saying that word. It's hypocritical of me to get all Ward Cleaver on his ass when in my own daily routine I use 'fuck' as an adjective, a noun, a pronoun, a verb, etc. (Let's conjugate it real quick, shall we?)

Tonight I am going to try and grill bleu cheese burgers. I am currently on a quest to make the perfect hamburger. I figure this will be my legacy and/or opus "Well, he was kind of a douche but man, he made a mean burger." I would be alot more successful in this endeavor if I didn't get Old Testament drunk beforehand. My grilling sessions usually degenerate into a drunken demonstration of Darwinism.

Oh well, that's why I chose who I married so well.