I should get some results in a few days. I'm hoping that there is nothing structurally wrong with my heart and that my body just doesn't like Ritalin. I started Stratera yesterday but still haven't really noticed any results which isn't unusual. My prescribing nurse is going on vacation which is good because she is kind of a nut herself. She doesn't actually listen to what I have to say instead she focuses in on keywords. I'd imagine she's trying to make sure I'm not drug seeking but she goes off the deep end.
For example, a few weeks back, she messed with my dosages and told me to monitor how I feel with the altered strengths. So I said, "Ok, I'll experiment with it and let you know." To this she barked, "Don't say experiment!!!" I then asked her what I should say. I am changing the dosages I am taking and monitoring the effects it has on my body, wouldn't that be, uh, experimenting? To this argument, she was oddly silent. And this week, she had me stop all medication in preparation for the Stratera. At the end of it, she asked how I was doing. I told her I was doing great with exception of the side effect of feeling like I was in a haze. To this she jumped in and said, "Side effect?! There can't be any side effects because you're not on anything!!!" I literally told her to settle down and that I misspoke. She then relaxed for half a second. Again, she's not actually listening, she's just fading out until I use a keyword that hits her spidey sense. I could go in there and tell her my dog is telling me to kill a public figure to impress Jodie Foster (Say goodbye to Andy Dick or Akon, I really, really hate Akon) and she wouldn't notice as long as I didn't use a drug seeking phrase. Nut job.
Tomorrow I am going to my sister-in-law's birthday. She's turning a whopping 26. I remember 26. I was young and dumb, which is no different then now except I'm not so young. Anywhoo, it should be fun. We're going to Joe's Crab Shack. I'd imagine there will be some drinking which is always fun. I love me some beer.
Since it's her birthday and I will be mentioning her Mom pretty frequently, I should probably give a quick shout out and/or explanation about my sister-in-law. This is Emily.

Emily is one of my best friends which is weird being that she is an in-law. She has been my saving grace for the last five years when it comes to buying my wife presents (If it wasn't for her, my wife would be getting kettlebells or a new handgun) and she also helps temper my crazy as she has alot of the same crazy. We're both ADD and I would venture to say she's toxic as well, she just hides it better. She and my other sister-in-law Madeline, are the sisters I never had (I really lucked out) and wouldn't be able to function without them. So happy early birthday Em. Your Mom. (Quick note: She probably won't actually ever read this as her ADD doesn't lend to following a blog)
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