Last night we celebrated Emily's birthday. Today I am hurting. I drank way too much...again. I'm pretty sure Emily is hurting too because I got a Facebook status update last night at about 2 am. I remember the good old days of being able to party like a rockstar.

Wake up in a strange place or different state with no clue how you got there. Now I party like the Rolling Stones. I get drunk and am in bed by 9.

Today I am just recovering. I took the dog for a walk which is always entertaining as she can't keep up. Poor fat dog. And then worked out and am now blogging and screwing around on Facebook. Exciting day at my house.
Workout of the Day: Pavel's Manmaker
Set the timer for 20 minutes. In 20 minutes complete as many rounds of the following without rest. I got almost three rounds.
20 24kg(53lb) kettlebell swings
one minute of jumping jacks
20 swings
one minute of mountain climbers
20 swings
one minute of burpees
20 swings
one minute of running in place
20 swings
I did pretty well. The mountain climbers and the burpees sucked but otherwise it was ok. I'll have to either increase the amount of swings or the weight as that portion was too easy.
I give this rate this routine a 7 out of 10.
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